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Dream It, Plan It, Live It: Your Guide to a Bold 2024

2023 holidays bravehearted woman confidence coach dawn damon dawn damon ministries dawn scott damon don't let holiday chaos over-stress you don't let holiday stress overwhelm you this season don't let the holidays get you down don’t let the holidays stress you out holiday 2023 holiday season holidays are here: don't let stress take away your cheer how do holidays affect mental health? how do you manage stress during holidays how to be less stressed out during the holiday season is it stressful to go on holiday is this stressing you out managing stress at the holidays midlife coach midlife influencer midlife woman the bravehearted coach the bravehearted mentor the bravehearted woman podcast tips to overcome holiday stress ways to reduce holiday stress why do holidays stress me out woman empowerment

Unwrap joy and banish holiday stress with Dawn Damon's empowering tips on The BraveHearted Woman Podcast. Discover how to schedule self-care, set boundaries, and be fully present this Christmas season. Embrace a stress-free holiday and carry the glow into the new year. Your guide to a joyous and meaningful holiday awaits!


As we gear up for the festive season, I want to share some empowering tips to ensure you navigate through the holidays with ease. I have 5 powerful hints to keep the stress at bay.


Schedule Joy: 

In the next seven days, make it a priority to schedule time for yourself. Whether it's a girl's night out, a relaxing pedicure, a comedy movie, or a rejuvenating massage, indulge in something that brings you unbridled joy. You deserve a moment of pampering to recharge and approach Christmas with calm and enjoyment.


Know When to Stop:

Avoid the stress of endless tasks by setting boundaries. Make a list of what needs to be done, purchased, or prepared, and stick to it. Be firm in declaring, "I'm done." Giving yourself at least two days of margin before the holiday allows you to relax and relish the festivities.


Prioritize Rest: 

In the hustle and bustle, don't forget to take care of yourself. Ensure you get enough sleep to face the challenges with a refreshed mind. Being well-rested will help you tackle family dynamics and financial stressors without succumbing to irritation or a bad mood.


Prepare Your Space:

Clear the clutter in your home to create a welcoming environment for guests. Designate a room for miscellaneous items if needed, and baby-proof your space if little ones are around. A clutter-free and organized home sets the stage for a stress-free celebration.


Be Present:

The most precious gift you can give yourself and others is the gift of presence. Set realistic standards, get enough rest, and when the day arrives, be fully present with your family and friends. Engage, enjoy, and make lasting memories. Life is fleeting, so savor every moment. 


Bonus Tip: Plan Your Indulgence:

If you're concerned about holiday indulgence, plan your meals. Decide what you'll eat and when, and commit to a post-holiday plan. This way, you can enjoy the festivities guilt-free, knowing you have a plan to get back on track.

Remember, the holidays are about joy, connection, and celebration. Permit yourself to enjoy this season without unnecessary stress. As you embark on the new year, carry with you a radiant smile and the glow of positive energy. And hey, if anyone asks, Dawn Damon, the Braveheart Mentor, permitted you to embrace the holiday cheer!


By the way, if you haven't found your One Word for the Year, check out my earlier podcast episode on How To Find Your One Word For The Year. I'm also offering a free download, A Complete Guide to Finding Your One Word for the Year, to set you on a path to make the upcoming year your best one yet.


Wishing you an amazing holiday season, and I can't wait to catch up with you at the beginning of the new year. This is Dawn Damon, your Braveheart Mentor, signing off with the reminder: It's time for you to find your brave and live your dreams!






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