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Episode #107 | Finding Bravery: Cheri Tamburro’s Story of Resilience and C.A.B.A. Invention

facing fears living your best life the bravehearted woman podcast

"Look where God got me from, this, and this, and this... Isn't this cool? How he worked it out this way, really was awful at the moment… It's not about you. It's about how God is using you through those struggles and trials."  Cheri Tamburro


Special guest Cheri Tamburro, an inspiring woman and entrepreneur, shares her remarkable journey of facing fears and conquering challenges. Cheri is a devoted wife and mother of 2. Her son Eli, was born with a rare disorder that presented him with various difficulties and complications, one keeps him in diapers.

In response, Cheri created C.A.B.A., Changing Any Butts Anywhere, a traveling cot to provide accessible private diaper-changing solutions for individuals of different ages and needs. With it's innovative design to assist parents and caregivers, C.A.B.A. will bring peace and ease to the constant challenge of locating an acceptable changing station in an uncharted territory. 

Hear about Cheri's sources of inspiration, the highs, and lows of her discovery process, how Eli has played a pivotal role in the creation of C.A.B.A., and her desire to aid millions of individuals within the special needs community who face the same struggles. She aims to share her resilience journey, from navigating through a divorce, to finding love again, and how these experiences led her to develop C.A.B.A.

As Cheri explores various media platforms, she is actively seeking a manufacturing partner or investors who can help bring C.A.B.A. to the market in the near future. Although hope and God’s will are their current driving force, they remain open to possibilities to make C.A.B.A. accessible to every family in need.






0:56 - Guest intro
1:09 - Cheri’s story of finding her brave
6:49 - How Cheri found light amidst all adversities in her life?
8:59 - What is C.A.B.A.?
10:22 - What are the recent updates about C.A.B.A.?
11:59 - How Eli helped Cher bring C.A.B.A. to life?
15:08 - Words to live by Cheri Tamburro




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