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Put an End to Your Generational Clutter

clutter mental health mindset and goals organization

I reluctantly released my prized possessions and opened up the floodgate to family and friends. Come and take whatever you want, I told them. And then…no one came. No one wanted what I had saved for years!


I have a confession to make.
I’m a recovering packrat.


It’s true. For years I saved everything. I liked to call it “being frugal.” And in many ways, it truly was. I desired to be a good steward of my resources.

But if I’m being honest, I come from a long line of savers; family members on the verge of qualifying for the title of “hoarder.” I was groomed at a young age to save memorabilia and to cultivate sentimentality over objects, knickknacks, gifts, greeting cards, and well, everything.

I was taught to carefully place “special objects,” in a bigger box called “My Keepsake Box” and store it under my bed. When one keepsake box was full, I started another, sliding it next to the other box. 



By the time I was 12 years old, I had keepsakes galore, and even a jumpstart on a bridal trousseau. It contained a complete china set, china tea cups, and solid silver forks, spoons, and knives, enough for 8.  


Now here’s where I say, “So it’s not my fault that 50 years later, I have all my childhood report cards, a locket of my hair, and my hospital footprint."


I saved all my kids' stuff too.

Saving didn’t stop with sentimental items, however. And that’s the point of this blog. Saving stuff turns into a habit that is difficult to break. I was saving anything that had meaning; a story, a memory, or value. I saved shoes, and clothes, purses, jewelry, dresses. I saved photos, papers, books, gift bags, bows, and of course the colorful tissue paper that goes in the bags.

Although my house was mostly always clean and organized, closets, shelves, and any unused nook and cranny were loaded with stuff.



But one day, all my “packratting” came to an end, when I could no longer SAVE. After 27 years, my husband decided to leave and I couldn’t save my marriage. (I didn’t mean to get too serious here, but I’m having an “aha” moment.” I tried to save everything!)

As the divorce ensued, I rummaged through box after box of treasures, with tears in my eyes. I made piles for each kid to take and claim as their own box of treasures. I reluctantly released my prized possessions and opened up the floodgate to the family. Come and take whatever you want, I told them.

And then…no one came. No one wanted what I had saved for years. No one wanted my pots and pans, my coffee cup collection, or my popcorn maker. No one claimed the bags of shoes and clothes, bracelets, beads, and hats. Baskets, wall art, furniture, frames, mirrors, and vases, all unclaimed.

Through that season of life, I discovered that the next generation doesn’t want our stuff. Sure, they will take a few things, but by and large, our kids don’t want to fill their house with our clutter. That’s how they see it.



The good news is this—you can free yourself from the chokehold of stuff and put an end to generational clutter.  Purge, toss, and unencumber your environment, your brain, and your body. With each item you say goodbye to, you’ll feel a fresh wind flow into you, filling your soul with peace.

I’m going to show you how to rid yourself of clutter.

Free yourself and your kids, so you can soar without weights into your future!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..." Hebrews 12:2


For more on CLUTTER, listen to my podcast, “When Clutter Hurts You.” 

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