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Episode #104 | Why You Need a Life Coach

mindset mindset and goals the bravehearted woman podcast

“With no goals, no priorities, or no life strategy, we often drift with the herd in an endless meadow of mediocrity, unable to break loose or achieve even a small part of the dreams we once cherished.” Og Mandino


Isn’t that an incredible quote? I don't want to just meander through mediocrity in an endless meadow of nothing. That doesn’t sound like the kind of life I wanna live. 


How about you? 

I want to help you FULFILL YOUR DREAMS
If you're not sure what those dreams are, then I can help you uncover a brave vision, discover your dreams and build goals for your life.




To Clarify Your Goals and Create a Roadmap to Achieve Them

“The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in NOT reaching your goals, but rather in having no goals to reach!” - Benjamin Mays. 

Without goals, a blueprint, or a roadmap to achieve the things that you say you wanna achieve, you're gonna squander your most valuable commodity. Do you know what that is? 


We can always make more money, but we can never get our time back. 

Remember this—if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!  If you have nothing in your heart to expect, then you can expect nothing.  Contentment and fulfillment are found in productive people achieving God’s goals in God’s time.  A coach will help you discover what you should be aiming for based on your own personal desires and convictions, what you're gifted for, what you're created for, and what you're really purposed to do in this life.  Coaches are called to help others reach their potential!


YOU HAVE POTENTIAL BraveHearted Woman!


Goal setting with a coach will catapult you to new levels. I accomplished more with my coach than I had in years by myself. I accomplished so much more in the first year with my personal coach than I had on my own the previous five years!

Listen to my podcast >>> Avoid The 5 Common Mistakes That Most People Make in Goal Setting


Come on, BraveHearted Woman, I want to know, what are your goals?
What are your dreams? And how do you plan on achieving those? 





To Break Through Limiting Beliefs and Self-Doubt


We all have a little bit of self-doubt, don't we? Just in some areas of our life we wonder,

‘Can I really do this? Am I good enough? Am I qualified?’


Or maybe we flat out have limiting beliefs that say,

‘No, I can't do it. No, I'm not qualified for that.’



Does self-doubt hold you back? 

Well, a life coach can help you unearth those beliefs  that often rumble in the depths of your mind, convincing you to play it safe, and avoid risk. Your subconscious or even your unconscious mind is something that you can't access and you don't even know that you are having these thoughts - but it's programmed!  Your brain and your mind are programmed to take you so far and then pull back because you have set limits on your life that say,

 ‘I can go this far and no further.’ 


Limiting beliefs define anything uncomfortable as a “risk,” meaning it's unfamiliar.

‘Hey, this is a risk that I cannot take.’ 


It's not risky! It's just something that you're not familiar with!


Your brain will start sending you all kinds of messages and bells and whistles to say,

Hey, this appears to be dangerous. Pull back, step away from the risk.’


But if you take a moment, you look at those, you define whether this is a wise,

Yes, it might be a risk, but it's something that I'm well able to do with the plan.’ 


As someone from outside of your life, a life coach can listen to you, ask questions, and begin to recognize patterns of your limiting beliefs. We can observe the way you hold your body language when it comes to certain ideas and topics. We can see and hear a consistent vocabulary that keeps saying, ‘This is something I can't do.’ 

We can count how many times you're saying, ‘No, I can't.’

We help you challenge those beliefs, question them, and push the boundaries out to enlarge your life. Your mindset can shift by consciously replacing negative or restrictive beliefs with more empowering ones with the help of a coach. Reframing limiting beliefs and ideas with new possibilities created with a coach can begin to open up opportunities for personal growth and achievement.


You gotta challenge those limiting beliefs. You gotta question your self doubt. You've gotta push the boundaries and enlarge your life by consistently replacing your thoughts with empowering ones.

Start saying lifegiving, powerful words and you will indeed shift your mindset and open up to new possibilities.
Speak an empowering message, I believe that I am able and I am capable. 
You will begin to grow and develop and achieve, and as your coach I can help you do that!





 To Develop a Growth Mindset

Closely intertwined with overcoming limiting beliefs, a growth mindset is the collection of beliefs and thoughts that emphatically states,

'My ability, my intelligence, and my talent - it’s all malleable. It can change. I can change. I can grow. I can improve through dedication, effort, and a willingness to learn. I can get better, I won’t be in the same place this time next year.’ 


Sadly, many women aren’t in the same place as they were last year, they’re in a worse place, because nothing really stays the same. Either you're growing or you're declining.


You gotta keep growing BraveHearts! Keep getting better, just 1% Better Every Day.


A growth mindset allows women to see challenges as opportunities for growth and to view failures as valuable lessons rather than permanent setbacks. A coach will help you cultivate this growth mindset and identify the negative narration that may be going on inside your head that says,

I can't do this. I'm stuck. I’m too old, my time has passed.’ 


No, it hasn't. You can still grow. You can still learn. 


To cultivate a growth mindset, it's important to foster a love for learning, try to acquire resilience in the face of obstacles, nurture the power of your effort and perseverance, and recognize that you can expand your potential to another level if you're willing to GROW. Even if you're worried about failure, we can just look at failure as our friend and say, 

‘Hey, I have so much education now. I have so much wisdom now. I have so much experience because I tried this one thing and yeah, I didn't get the results or the outcomes that I wanted.’    That's all. 


There is no failure, just outcomes. 

I didn't get those outcomes, but they are not permanent setbacks. It’s not life giving me a “no, you can't do it.” It's life giving me a chance to “try a different way.”


One of my favorite words is resilience. I like to live life with grit and glitter, and as a coach, I will help you face these outcomes. When I see that you've suddenly gone into fear about an area of your life, or you say something like, 


‘Ah, I failed. I feel stupid. I'm embarrassed. That hurts.’   As your coach, I will say,   ‘Uh-uh, get back out there!' 


AND help you to face that fear immediately before it sets up camp and decides to live inside your soul and your spirit. By adopting a growth mindset, women can continuously take on new challenges and achieve higher levels of personal and professional success.





To Be Kept Accountable and Motivated to Stay on Track


Did you know that social science and psychologists will tell us the number one indicator that you're gonna excel is if you're willing to become accountable without accountability? 


And guess what? Without accountability, we will lack that necessary pressure, that push, that force that comes behind us to say,

‘No, do it again, do it again.'Hey, how come you haven't done that project yet? You said this was a goal, but you haven't started yet. How come?’


We don’t stick to our plan. We give in for instant gratification. And when things get really difficult, we create stories giving ourselves permission to cast off our goals. When our body aches, or our mind hurts, or we feel some exhaustion, or we just feel like something is too difficult, we start crafting compassionate stories,

‘Oh, I need a self-care day. I just need to give myself permission to rest.’  


Which, yes, self-compassion is important, but SOMETIMES we have compassion overload and use the lack of self-discipline to get us off the hook. 


Get your butt back out there and do it again. Come on, you got it in you BraveHeart!


A coach will provide support and encouragement with regular check-ins to review your progress, celebrate your achievements, and discuss any new challenges. can help maintain accountability. A coach can maintain accountability by reminding you why you wanted to reach your goals. ‘You wanted to reach this goal, not just for some kicks and giggles. You said reaching this goal would change your life, that it would change your family's life, that it would change the trajectory of your financial picture.’ 


I don't want you to give up now or quit for some instant here today, gone tomorrow, excuse.

I want you to press in so you can get that goal. Reaching your goals is going to change your life and as your coach, I can help you do that!




To Build Confidence and Self-Esteem


When you start to work with a coach, you’ll get results! The kind of results that you were not able to get by yourself. When you start to really see these results, you're gonna feel so empowered by the progress that you're making: which boosts your confidence and esteem!


You'll be building new evidence to say, ‘I CAN do that. If I can do this, what else can I do?’  


You'll begin to see yourself as a confident woman and start to elevate to a whole new level. You'll ignite a fire in your heart believing if I can do this, then I can certainly do that. 


With a coach, you’ll set small, achievable goals that align with your best life and your potential, and break your big dreams down into bite-size, doable, attainable goals.You will start to take ACTION. As you're completing these achievable goals, you're beginning to MOVE FORWARD, starting to make progress, no longer STUCK, no longer HELD BACK. Bold courageous actions that contradict your old limiting beliefs and point to new evidence that has you say, 

‘Look! Look at what I did. If I can do that, I can do ANYTHING. Anything that I'm called to, anything that's aligned with who I am, my values, my talent, and my skillset. I can do anything that God has a purpose for me to do. I don't have to show up in heaven and apologize because I didn't fulfill my purpose or my destiny.’ 


This evidence, your actions, serves as a powerful reinforcement further dismantling the old belief system. Boosting your confidence as the evidence accumulates.


A coach will celebrate all your successes with you, no matter how small, and your self-esteem is gonna go off the charts. It's a powerful thing. A coach will fuel that motivation for you to keep you going, and keep you moving forward. 


As your coach, I will give you all the woos and all the woohoos. Woohoo, look at you!









0:00 - Intro
0:55 - What is a life coach?
1:53 - Reason #1: A life coach will help you clarify your goals and create a roadmap.
3:54 - Reason #2: A life coach will help you breakthrough from limiting beliefs and self-doubts.
7:07 - Reason #3: A life coach will help you develop a growth mindset.
9:56 - Reason #4: A life coach will help you stay accountable and motivated.
12:01 - Reason #5: A life coach will you build confidence and self-esteem.
13:20 - How to avoid 5 mistakes in goal setting?
14:32 - FREE Download: Ignite Your Confidence and Soar with Self-Esteem
15:23 - FREE strategy call with Dawn Damon


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