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How to Behave with Confidence (What Midlife Women Need to Know!)

5 ways to behave confident 50's and beyond a guide to believing in yourself (but for real this time) boosting confidence in midlife bravehearted woman confidence confidence building tips confidence coach confidence in midlife courage vs confidence courageous actions for women creating confidence in midlife dawn damon dawn damon ministries dawn scott damon getting your confidence back after 50 how to be confident how to be confident in midlife how to behave with confidence how to boost your confidence how to boost your self-confidence in midlife how to build confidence in midlife how to build confidence in your 40's how to build self-confidence as a woman | what i've learned after 40 how to feel more confident in midlife how to find confidence again in midlife how to regain your confidence in midlife inspirational stories midlife midlife coach midlife confidence tips to boost your self-esteem midlife influencer midlife woman midlife woman empowerment motivational story overcoming fear in midlife personal growth for women self-esteem in midlife steps to midlife confidence ted talks the bravehearted coach the bravehearted mentor the bravehearted woman podcast vulnerability and confidence woman empowerment
Discover how taking courageous actions can build your confidence over time. Learn practical steps to embrace vulnerability, own your mistakes, and cheer others on, as you grow into a confident, empowered midlife woman.


Confidence is often seen as something we need to feel before we can take action. But what if I told you that the secret to confidence lies not in how you feel, but in the courageous steps you take? This is the message I, Dawn Damon, want to share with all of you beautiful, bravehearted women. 

In this blog, we will explore how taking courageous actions, even when you don’t feel confident, can actually lead to greater confidence over time.


Confidence vs. Courage: What's the Difference?

Confidence is the feeling of doing the good things that you need to do at the right time, but courage sometimes we still have the feeling of being afraid. 

Many of us sit on the sidelines, waiting for the day we feel confident enough to go after our goals. But the truth is, waiting for confidence could keep you stuck forever. Instead, I encourage you to focus on courage. Courage doesn’t require you to feel 100% ready or self-assured. In fact, it often shows up when you're afraid or uncertain, but you take the step anyway.

When you see someone you admire, you may think, “Wow, look at their confidence.” But it’s possible that they’re simply acting with courage, pushing past their fears to achieve what they want.

So, here’s your first braveheart tip: Don’t wait to feel confident. Start with courage.


5-4-3-2-1: A Simple Countdown to Action

One of the best ways to build confidence is by taking small, courageous actions. 

Here’s a quick strategy: use a 5-second countdown. When you’re hesitating on something — whether it’s walking into a room, introducing yourself to someone new, or uploading that Facebook video — give yourself 5 seconds to take action.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Identify what you need to do.
  2. Count down from 5: 5-4-3-2-1.
  3. Then, just do it. Don’t overthink, don’t hesitate—take the action.

This countdown technique helps you bypass the self-doubt that creeps in during moments of hesitation. When you take action, you gain small victories that, over time, will bolster your confidence. Every courageous step you take leads to a win, no matter how small, and those wins create momentum.


Vulnerability: The True Sign of Confidence

Another key behavior of confident women is the ability to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is rooted in self-acceptance—it shows that you are comfortable with who you are, imperfections, and all. Confidence doesn’t mean pretending you have it all together. It’s about being brave enough to show up as your true self, flaws and all.

As we move through midlife, we may face new challenges that can shake our confidence. Our bodies may change, our careers may shift, and we might start to feel less sure of our contributions. But embracing vulnerability in these moments allows us to grow and become even more self-assured.

Confidence grows when you stop trying to be perfect and start accepting yourself just as you are.


Own Your Mistakes — No Excuses!

Confident women own their mistakes without making excuses. Rather than becoming defensive or blaming others, they take responsibility for their actions. This type of accountability not only earns the respect of others but also strengthens your self-respect.

When you stop excusing or defending your mistakes, you give yourself the freedom to learn and grow. Defensiveness can block you from receiving valuable feedback, which is essential for personal growth. Confident women welcome constructive criticism because they know it helps them get better.


Cheer Others On — No Competition Necessary!

A truly confident woman celebrates the successes of other women. She doesn’t feel threatened or diminished by someone else’s achievements because she knows that success is not a limited resource.

The next time you see another woman in the spotlight, cheer her on. Supporting others doesn’t take away from your own potential for success. In fact, it strengthens your community and creates a positive cycle of encouragement.

Confidence comes from knowing that your journey is unique and valuable, and there’s no need to compete or compare yourself to others. Your time will come, and when it does, you’ll have a circle of women cheering for you, just as you did for them.


Confidence is Something You Do, Not Just Something You Feel

The bottom line is this: Confidence isn’t just a feeling — it’s a set of actions. You don’t need to wait until you believe in yourself to take that next step. Instead, focus on doing the things that will build your confidence over time.

As an author, there have been moments when I felt tempted to shrink back and question my abilities. But I don’t need to believe in myself to write a book. I just need the courage to sit down and write. The confidence will follow once I’ve done the work.

So, braveheart, I leave you with this: What courageous step can you take today? 

Whether it’s starting a new project, asking for a promotion, or sharing your story, don’t wait for confidence to show up first. Take the leap, and let courage lead the way. Today is your day to find your brave and live your dreams!





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